The Perfect Pussy?!
Now, even if you don't know me I think it is pretty clear that I am very comfortable with my own body. How it looks, how it feels and what I can do with it and to it. But I have met a LOT of women over the years that aren't.
Last night I was surfing about the internet and came across the phrase "she had a perfect vagina!" and it made me stop and ask my self the question, "Is there a perfect vagina?" This is a job for Google!!!
Straight off I found a link to a film that was much more than I was expecting. This link right here as a matter of fact;
Turns out to be a very well done documentary for English TV, (and it surprised me by actually showing women's vaginas!) that is concerned with how women feel about their pussies and a cosmetic procedure called Labioplasty where the outer lips are reduced or removed.
I was astounded that women could feel so ashamed or embarrassed about what their pussy looked like that they would consider surgery an actual option! I cannot even imagine that!
This video isn't porn by any stretch of the imagination, it is a documentary and an absolute MUST watch for all women, even if you are comfortable with your girl parts. But in my own humble opinion all men should take the time to watch it as well. I think if more men knew what an intimate relationship we have with our vaginas they might actually understand us a bit more.
This video is nearly an hour long but it is well worth your time. Be brave, check it out. If you're really brave you'll watch it and then talk to someone about it. If you need an understanding ear to talk to drop me a line, I'll be happy to discuss it.
The lesson I took away from this film was, Every pussy is perfect!
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